
  • Friday Night Sketch War: Round Nine

    We’ve got an interesting battle this week. Back from the brink of doom (probably after making a Mephistophelian deal) Michael is firing on all cylinders. Red’s got a new home on the web, but didn’t join in the festivities. David channeled his inner Sondheim. It was a slugfest out there today…

    • Michael launched an early salvo on Thursday, setting off EM devices in the atmo…
    • Coyote scrambled bombers out of a secret Antarctic base while Crystal Palace struggled to come back online…
    • Michael fired rail guns from orbit, leveling Cleveland and Minsk…
    • David launched every missile out of every attack-hardened silo, leaving the Earth a smoking cinder.

    There was a lot of pain, crying, and gnashing of teeth today. We lost a lot of good people (and a lot of deadwood too…nukes and railguns are indiscriminate.) Hapkido, shotguns, fisticuffs, and song were the weapons of choice this week, my good readers. Go forth and be amused.

  • Bookworms

    (A public library at night. JOYCE is a librarian, bespectacled, primly dressed, her hair in a bun. She is closing up for the night, saying “goodbye” to the final patrons and locking the door behind them. She turns off the overhead fluorescent lights and heads back to the counter. She stretches, exhausted.)

    (Suddenly, she leaps up and sits on the counter. She flicks a switch and is awash with radiant spotlights. A raunchy, sexy drum loop begins. She removes her glasses and flings them away with abandon. She reaches behind her head and removes a pin, sensually shaking her long, luxurious hair around her shoulders. She launches into a rap.)

    You’re waitin’ in the straight lines,
    I’m dolin’ out the late fines.
    I love a page-turner (so you’ve heard through the grape vines).
    You sidle to the counter like you’re readin’ off the book spines.

    Let’s see your card.

    What’s on your mind?
    You wanna be my lover?
    The only date you’ll get from me is stamped inside the cover.
    I got stacks of new releases, so ya better not hover.

    Don’t try so hard.

    Yeah, I’ve seen ya. Lurkin’ in the shelves,
    Like a schoolboy giggling at Our Bodies, Ourselves.
    You’re too overdue, which goes to confirm,
    You ain’t quite man enough to handle this bookworm.

    (JOYCE bumps and grinds while MYRTLE, another buttoned-up librarian, enters. MYRTLE flings off her glasses, undoes her hair, unbuttons the top button on her blouse and takes over.)

    MYRTLE (pointing to the various aisles)
    History and mystery,
    Geography, biography,
    Psychology, theology,
    Feel like gettin’ knowledge-y?


    Hell yeah, y’all ain’t gettin’ no apology!
    Language is elastic, better check your etymology!

    True dat!

    Rifle through my card catalog.
    Yeah that’s right, I work it old school, analog.

    It’s all right here, systematic and methodical.
    The heaviest tome to the lightest periodical.
    The infinite down to the infinitesimal.

    You better get acquainted with the Dewey decimal.

    It’s all about the Melvils.

    Gotta find it where I stack it.

    If you wanna peek inside my dust jacket.

    You think you belong in our philosophy section?

    You’re a Norman Vincent Peale in a Chomsky collection.

    Now you’re layin’ down your learnin’?

    Expectin’ me to squirm?

    You ain’t got the skills to impress this bookworm.

    (JOYCE and MYRTLE dance ass-to-ass. LOUISE, a third librarian, glides in on a book cart. She leaps off, flings away her glasses, undoes her hair, and tears away her blouse, revealing a glittery bra.)


    That’s why there’s cards in here!

    Rare books!

    That’s why there’s guards in here!

    Old bums!

    That’s why it stinks in here!
    Don’t bring no food or drinks in here!

    You gotta lotta nerve, droppin’ off your son and daughter,
    Then checkin’ out my ass while they check out Harry Potter.
    Hell, look all you want, but try not to pout.
    I’m a reference librarian, so you can’t take me out.

    You can access all these books for free
    But not my Gray’s Anatomy.
    Don’t know a dirty word? Just come to me.
    I’ll point you to the OED.
    Ya down with OED?

    Yeah, you know me!

    Ya down with OED?

    Yeah, you know me!

    Ya down with OED?

    Yeah, you know me!

    Who’s down with OED?

    This li-brar-y!

    (Enter FRAN, an older, more dignified librarian. She is disgusted.)

    (The music stops cold, and JOYCE, MYRTLE and LOUISE stop dancing.)
    What the hell is going on in here?
    (The other LIBRARIANS look sheepishly to the floor.)
    You gotta hike up them skirts, lay-deeees!

    (FRAN rolls her skirt up at the waist, revealing her ankles. The other LIBRARIANS cheer, and the music starts up again.)

    Awwww, yeah!!!!

    All other librarians,
    Take our advice
    And keep real quiet!

    Shush it good!

    ’Cause if you step to us,
    There’s gonna be a riot!

    Shush it real good!

    All you other book-bitches? I don’t mean to slander ya!

    But we run the tightest since the one at Alexandria!

    But if you insist, and you want a brawl…

    We’ll take it fist-to-fist, like Mailer and Vidal!

    Just keep your head low and agree to our terms.

    There’s no way in hell you can beat these bookworms.

    (ALL cross their arms in front of their chests.)


  • Friday Sketch War: Fantasy Edition

    Haven’t heard anything from Dave yet. But Richard’s already posted, even though he’s not feeling well. And it seems as though Red isn’t joining us this week either.

    Update: Dave has posted and it is super fly! Check it.

    Here’s my entry, for what it’s worth. Probably reveals a bit too much about my current work situation. But then, that’s why I’m sending out resumes. Right?

    The Break Room

    (Office break room. Marge and Peggy, two middle-aged, over weight secretaries are eating donuts and talking.)

    MARGE: So I says to him, “Carl” I says “I know for a fact that Jim’s not keeping up with his work”.

    PEGGY: (Mouthful of donut) He’s such a slacker.

    MARGE: Right. We all know it. But Carl doesn’t see it. He goes “And what makes you think this?” And I almost laugh in his face. As if I have to make up stories about Jim.

    PEGGY: (Mouthful of donut) Not likely.

    MARGE: Right. So I says, “Carl, I was looking at his email inbox and there’s a whole list of file requests he hasn’t completed yet.” And Carl has the gall to get upset at me. “You can’t do that,” he says. “It’s an invasion of his privacy”, he says. Like that’s going to mean anything when we’re all out of jobs because Jim’s poor work ethic causes this whole company to fold.

    PEGGY: (Mouthful of donut) Seriously.

    MARGE: But Carl says he’ll look into it. He says he’ll say something to Jim.

    PEGGY: (Mouthful of donut) Good for you.

    MARGE: I’m just looking out for the company. I mean, Carl thinks he’s such a fantastic Office Manager, but we all know that I should have been the one to get that job. The only reason they hired him was because we needed more men in the office to fill a quota of some sort.

    PEGGY: (Mouthful of donut) Damn ACLU.

    MARGE: Exactly. The hippies ruined it for everyone. But I’ve already sent several emails to the CEO about Carl and his lack of caring about this company. I plan on getting him…

    (Carl enters the break room and goes to the fridge)

    MARGE: Oh hey Carl! How’s your day going?

    CARL: All right. Thank God it’s Friday, you know.

    MARGE: Amen to that. So, how’d it go with Jim? Is he going to straighten up and fly right?

    CARL: Marge, I already told you once, this really isn’t any of your business. Jim’s only been back a week since his wife died. He’s taking things slow.

    MARGE: Glacial, if you ask me.

    CARL: I didn’t, Marge. No one did. And I hope you’ll stop sending me emails about him.

    MARGE: He’s costing this company millions of dollars.

    (Carl sighs and shakes his head. He exits.)

    MARGE: Have a blessed day!

    PEGGY: (Mouthful of donut): Yeah.

    MARGE: Not.

    (Marge and Peggy share a laugh. Peggy nearly chokes on her donut.)

    MARGE: As you can see, the man clearly has no regard for this company.

    (Marge takes out a notepad and begins writing on it.)

    MARGE: This is going in his file.

    PEGGY: (Mouthful of donut) His file?

    MARGE: I keep a file on everyone in the office. That way, if they ever do anything really wrong, or something that I don’t think befits an employee of this company, I can take it to the CEO and have them fired. Carl’s file is almost as big as Jim’s.

    PEGGY: (Mouthful of donut) Do I have a file?

    MARGE: Only because you’re my best friend here do I tell you this. Yes. You do. It’s the smoke breaks. You take a ten minute break every hour. That adds up.

    (Peggy just stares at her. Jim enters the break room.)

    MARGE: Hey, Jim. How are you doing? Again, we’re so sorry about your loss.

    JIM: Thanks.

    MARGE: But don’t you think using your wife’s death as an excuse to slack off at work only degrades her memory?

    JIM: Excuse me?

    MARGE: I couldn’t help but notice, as I read your emails, that you’re really far behind on…

    (Jim punches Marge in the face, toppling her over in her chair. He gets a soda out of the fridge and exits.)

    PEGGY: (Mouthful of donut) And have a blessed day.


  • FSW: Barista Blues

    Barista Blues
    (Meg and Dex stand behind the counter of an upscale coffee house. He: late 20s, detached and jaded hipster. She: 18, fresh-faced, straight from the farmland. Dex is showing Meg how the brewing equipment works.)

    It’s not a lot different from the one back at the Starbucks in Grover’s Corners. I should be able to run it. Thanks, Dex. I’m so excited!

    It’s not that exciting. You brew, you steam, you move them along.

    I don’t mean that! I mean I’ve only been in LA three days and I’ve already got a great job! My parents said I’d end up broke and have to come home and become a dental hygienist, but now I won’t have to.

    I wouldn’t call this a great job.

    But it is! Six days from six to two leaves me plenty of time to audition, and find a place to perform. Plus when Sol hired me he said I’d get to sing on the stage here, too!

    (Laughing to himself) I remember that. By the time you get out of here, you won’t have the energy left to do much of anything. Besides, with what Sol pays you, you’ll end up taking extra shifts just to afford Ramen. And singing on that little stage over there…it’s just more scut work.

    You’re a gloomy gus, aren’t you!

    I’m opening up. Get ready.

    (Dex goes to the door and opens it up. A small line of movers and shakers has already formed. Each and everyone tapping furiously on his Blackberry or talking fervently on her Bluetooth. First in line is a smarmy, slimy man. Pretty much like everyone in line who isn’t a smarmy, slimy woman.)

    Good Morning! What can I get for you today?

    (Looking up and seeing fresh meat) Well, good morning princess. I’m Ari. Here’s my card. Call me sometime. I’d love to represent you.

    (Meg takes the card and beams broadly. She holds it up and glances at Dex who shakes his head in bemusement.)

    I will call you, thank you! I’m an actress, and a singer-songwriter, and a —

    — that’s great, babe. Tell it to my assistant when you call, okay?

    Yes, sir! What can I get for you today?

    I’ll have the usual, babe.

    (Ari smiles to himself at his unoriginal and unclever joke. Meg starts cackling in earnest.)

    Wow! You’re funny!

    Just make it a large coffee.

    (Meg pours and hands the coffee over to Ari, who then moves to the register to pay. Slimeball steps up.)

    I’ll have a half double decaffeinated half-caf…with a twist of lemon.

    (Slimeball waits expectantly…and Meg laughs.)

    Oh, I love that movie! That’s great!

    Maybe you’d like to watch it with me sometime. Here’s my card. Call me. I’m an agent.

    Thanks! Oh, I’ve got to go in back to get a lemon. I’ll just be one —

    — Actually, I’ll just have a large coffee.

    (Meg pours his coffee and hands it over. Sleazebag steps up.)

    (Smiling to himself) I’ll have the usual.


    (It’s later the same day, Meg’s hair is messed and there are coffee stains on her shirt. She looks harried. D-Bag steps up to the counter.)

    I’ll have the usual.

    (Meg shows teeth, but it’s not a smile. Dex comes over to Meg.)

    I’ll take this one. Sol wants some music.

    (Cheered up immediately) That’s great! To tell you the truth, I could use the break. I have some great new songs I’ve been working on, too.

    Didn’t Sol tell you? You’re just supposed to play that song “Bad Day”. Maybe some John Mayer when he’s in the mood, but that rarely happens.


    (Some time has passed. Meg’s hair is spiky and parti-colored and she’s got a tattoo showing on her upper arm. She’s sleeveless now, and in general looks a bit skankier. She’s showing the tat to Dex.)

    It hurt a lot. They don’t tell you that. But it’s pretty cool, don’t you think?

    It’s nice.

    I can’t wait till my friends back home see this! They’ll flip!

    How was your audition on Friday?

    I didn’t get the part. I don’t get it. There are movies and plays and TV shows all over, but there aren’t that many auditions.

    (Dex smiles to himself.)

    Oh, I’ve gotta tell you! Last night at the club —

    — that karaoke bar out in the valley?

    Yeah. So anyway, I was DJ-ing and this group of really hot girls and guys came in and sang. One of the girls had this amazing voice and I asked her if she sang professionally. She just laughed and said it didn’t pay enough. (Stage whispers to Dex) She told me she did porn! Can you believe it?

    (Slimeball walks up with a few people behind him.)

    Hey, babe! How ya doing? You’re looking good today.

    Oh, hey. Large coffee?

    Nah. I think I’ll have a half double decaffeinated half-caf —

    — with a twist of lemon?

    Heh! You caught me. Actually, how about I get you something? Dinner?

    Oh, I don’t know. I really shouldn’t. We’re not supposed to date the customers.

    (The people in line begin to grumble. Their very busy, very important lives are being put on hold with this inane chatter. Meg goes ahead and pours him a large coffee.)

    Well, I’ll keep asking anyway.

    Meg, Sol wants another set.

    (Meg sighs deeply, grabs her guitar and heads for the stage. As the lights fade, we hear the opening bars of “Bad Day”.)


    (Meg’s now got a full sleeve tat, a lip and two eye piercings, and a tat around her navel. She’s sleeveless and cropped. Slimeball is at the front of the line.)

    (Quietly, looking down) Large coffee please.

    (Glaring…then finally exploding) You could have at least called me the next day! You said you’d call! Jesus. Damn it, you could at least look me in the eyes when you order your coffee!

    (Meg pours his coffee and slams it down on the counter. Slimeball slinks away to pay and the next customer steps up.)

    Hello! I’ll have a half double decaffeinated half-caf…with a twist of lemon!

    (Meg screams, reaches below the counter, comes up with a shotgun and shoots him. Silence and stillness for a few seconds.)

    I’ll clean that up. Sol wants you to do a set.


  • Friday Night Sketch War: Round Eight

    I’d been holding off on reporting the results of this week’s battle in hopes that Michael would make it out of the M*A*S*H unit, where he was playing grab ass with Hot Lips Houlihan, in time to post. He’s been under the weather this week, and in Chicago, there’s been a LOT of weather this week under which to be.

    But then I remembered that even if he did make it out, he was meeting up with the brothers from the Water Buffalo Lodge for a Bowl-A-Thon. So hold back, I shall no more!

    • Coyote rises to periscope depth and fires a torpedo…
    • David and Leonardo DiCaprio drop depth charges from their battleship…
    • Red surprises the combatants with a fuel-air bomb dropped from a B-52.

    That’s right: someone new tossed her hat in the ring! Finally, PHX can represent with two mirth agents against the combined might of the Chicago comedy mafia! (I’ll nag her to get her own damn blog next time.)

    What’s that you ask? What have we got this week? Bad gifts, guy talk, and people who dress funny!

  • Fuck Leonardo DiCaprio

    (JUSTIN and CRAIG, two twentysomethings, are sitting on a couch in their shared apartment. JUSTIN is reading a People magazine, and CRAIG is operating a video game controller.)

    JUSTIN (looking up from his magazine)
    Fuck Leonardo DiCaprio.


    Oh, it’s just… he’s “romantically linked with Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli.”

    There are Israeli supermodels?

    And before that it was Gisele Bündchen, and who knows who else. The guy goes through beautiful women like Kleenex. I’m so jealous.

    Eh. I used to be.

    Before you became gay?

    No. The way I see it, someone is having sex with supermodels. Score one for us.

    Who’s “us”?

    Men. Somewhere out there, there’s a man having sex with models. Yay men.

    Yeah, I don’t feel any luckier.

    The real tragedy would be if these women were wandering around with nobody to throw them to the ground and do them in the soft grass. Would you want to live in a world like that?



    Leonardo DiCaprio was available, and qualified, and he stepped up. Try saying this. What’s this model’s name?

    Bar Refaeli.

    Say, “Leonardo DiCaprio and I are fucking Bar Refaeli.”

    “Leonardo DiCaprio and I are fucking Bar Refaeli.”

    Congratulations, dude. She sounds hot.


    We don’t have any Oscars though.

    No, but you and Jack Nicholson have a shitload.

    Hey, yeah.

    And… (he throws down the video game controller) Leonardo DiCaprio and I just beat your high score in “Centipede.”

    Fuck both of you.

  • FSW: Someone New Enters the Battle!

    Wow. Someone (not the two people I was actually targeting, but someone) felt called out this week and decided to send in a sketch. It’s her first shot at sketch comedy, but I thought it was pretty decent. She’s homepageless at the moment, so I’m going to paste it below. Everyone, please give a warm welcome to our newest battler, Red. (I’m not going to include her email address as she suggested, because I fear she’d send money to all the deposed Nigerian princes who would contact her.)

    The Meeting
    (Two women and a man sit at a conference table wearing business casual attire. Ms Willson rushes in and stands at the head of the table, where we can only see her back. The other three get odd expressions on their faces, and glance between each other and Ms Willson. Smiles slowly creep across their faces.)

    Is something funny? We have serious business to attend to, and since I am behind schedule we really don’t have time to have this conversation. (Brianne raises her hand.) Yes, Brianne, do you have something to say, and is it pertinent to the meeting?

    Well, I just wanted to tell you that–

    –If it’s not about the meeting, I don’t want to hear it.

    (Ms Willson ad-libs on sales figures and clients for a few moments. The others continue to smile.)

    The fact that our sales numbers are down, is that something you find amusing, Charlie?

    (Stammers) No, no, that’s not funny at all. It’s just that…

    Just that what? Really, is this a case of Friday afternoon happy hour anticipation or are you all just on something?

    (They stare at the floor, holding back snickers.)

    Well, Ms Willson, what we’ve been trying to tell you, is that it’s hard to focus on sales numbers when your dress is tucked into your pantyhose and we can see your underwear. Is today Monday or Friday because I can’t tell from what you are wearing?

    (Ms Willson turns away from the table to face us and looks down. Her dress is tucked into her pantyhose in front and the front or her underwear is visible. We can clearly read the word “Monday” printed all over them.)

    Ah, well. Thanks Marie, and all, sorry I didn’t let you speak sooner. (She heads to the door.) I’ll be right back…

    (The three co-workers burst into laughter.)


  • FSW: An Awkward Birthday

    Same spiel as every week. If anyone feels up to putting her sketch talents to the test, please email a link, or the body of your sketch if you have no place to post it, to sketchwar_at_dreamloom_dot_com. The results of the battle will be posted sometime Friday evening.

    An Awkward Birthday
    (Rob and Jean sit at a kitchen table with shreds of wrapping paper lying visible on the floor. He: mid 20s, wearing a plaid flannel shirt, jeans, and glasses. She: early 20s, hair in a ponytail, white blouse, jeans.)

    I thought you’d like it.

    How could…are you crazy? What would make you think I’d want…that?

    I don’t know. You’re, it’s just that —

    (They freeze. A man in his 40s with touches of silver at the temples of his perfectly combed hair enters and crosses to stand behind Rob’s right shoulder. He is dressed identically to Rob, though his shirt is neatly tucked and buttoned all the way to the top.)

    It’s just that you’re a difficult person for whom to shop.

    (Jean remains frozen, but Rob turns to look at his doppelganger.)

    “For whom to shop?” Are you fucking kidding me? Look at her! She’s already pissed off and now you want me to talk like an English professor in the middle of a fight?

    There is no wrong time for good grammar.

    Right. Well I think I’m going to take this one myself if you don’t mind.

    (Jean unfreezes.)

    ROB (CONT)
    — you’re a hard person to shop for.

    Hard? Hard how? Look around the apartment, Rob. Look over there on the counter. What do you see?

    A pile of magazines?

    Catalogs. They’re catalogs. With pages conveniently folded so you can see what I like. Trust me when I tell you not one of those catalogs has anything like…that.

    She has a point.

    (Glares at Rob-2) But Jeannie, if I just get you something from one of those, it’s like I put no thought in it at all. You might as well just take a card from my wallet and order it yourself. I thought I could surprise you with something different. Something personal.

    (Jean freezes. A third man appears, dressed the same but with his shirt completely undone and hair mussed. This one is 17 or 18. He stands behind Rob’s left shoulder.)

    Dude! Tell her how long it took!

    Not now.

    Tell her, man. An hour, just standing there with that stuff slathered on.

    I wish I was at work.

    Were at work. You wish you were at work.

    Nice hair, grandpa. You put Crisco in that?

    Get a job!

    (Jean unfreezes.)

    You know I don’t…do that. Why would you buy me a dildo?

    That’s just it! It’s not just a dildo! It’s an exact replica of me!


    Tell her about the latex!

    What are you talking about?

    Intimate Expressions – the sex shop by the Greyhound station – they have this new thing where they take casts of–

    –So now you’re hanging out at sex shops?!?

    (Rob-2 and Rob-3 both take a single, large step backwards.)

    Just the one. I mean, no! I heard about it on the radio, is all. I swear. At Valentine’s Day they were talking about it and I thought it’d be something you’d like. You always say how much you miss me when I work nights–

    –So you thought you could give me a rubber–



    –latex version of your dick and that’d be alright? That’s what you thought I meant when I said I missed you?

    I just wanted–

    –I just wanted, finally, to give you some memento to remind you of me.

    Seriously! Who talks like that?

    Tell her about the hot chick who took the mold!

    Guys, really, I think I’ve got this. Thanks for all your help.

    I just wanted to finally give you something special. I screwed up. Again. I’m sorry. Here, I’ll throw it out.

    (Rob extends his hand. Everyone freezes. A woman who looks just like Jean enters and crosses to stand behind Jean. She holds out her hand.)

    Oh hell no! If you’re not going to use it, then give it to me!


  • I’m Lucky To Have Met Nathaniel

    (JULIA and ALEX sit at a table in a coffee shop. JULIA is holding ALEX’s hand.)

    You know what? I want you to know that you’ve meant a lot to me during the time we’ve spent together, and that whatever our differences, and whatever needs we’re no longer able to fill for each other, you’ll always remain a part of me. I’m lucky to have met you, just like I’m lucky to have met Nathaniel. And he’s right for me at this point in my life. And I hope you find someone who’s right for you. And I know you will. I know you’ll find someone who can fully appreciate all you have to offer, and she’ll be a very lucky girl.

    Wow. Thank you, very much. I really needed to hear that. And as for you, I hope your relationship with Nathaniel fails miserably, and that you make each other very unhappy. And I don’t just mean for the week or so after you eventually break up; I want you to be deeply scarred by this relationship you’re about to embark on, to the point where you’ll never again come close to knowing true love. And I want you to turn to drink for solace, and to sink slowly into despair and alcoholism. And eventually, I’d like for you to run over some kids in a drunk driving accident, and for this to eat you up with grief until you finally take your life in a grisly and public suicide.

  • Friday Night Sketch War: Round Seven

    After last week’s two-man wrecking crew, this week we’re back to three combatants. Still, there were some lingering personal, health, and weather issues keeping the warriors from fighting at peak form. See for yourselves as…

    • Coyote rouses the team to fight, fight, fight…
    • David tells it like it is…
    • Michael shows us it really is a wonderful war.

    This week we’ve got the greatest coach ever, the greatest boyfriend ever, and the greatest ¿angel? ever.